Demon Summoning

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Everything you didn't want to know for Path of the Riven Veil, and more besides!

Demon Uses

an imp sage 201 lesser gives three types of info:
  • on items (standard identify)
  • people (race, class, level, and EQ worn)
  • demon clues (lesser)
a green Vakalic imp 202 lesser transports items or messages
a filchling 203 lesser attempts to steal an item
a poisonous N'jith 204 lesser poisons water and food
a clawed Orzub 210 lesser combat - basic fighting
a Djazith 211 lesser translation of spoken messages
a gelatinous Kurlaac 212 lesser combat - spits lvl 40 poison, cloudkills upon its death
a spined Qwablith 213 lesser combat - shoots quills that can add 'qwablith spine' affect (sn771) -- lodging in a wound and causing damage when victim moves
a heavy black gharku 214 lesser combat - bashes
a Kakrisc worm 215 lesser combat - drains mana and gives to caster
a devouring spirit 216 lesser forces victim to eat endlessly
an ethereal j'nakra 217 lesser combat - stealthy (goes wizi)
a many-eyed acolyte of Barkja 221 standard three kinds of info:
  • items (id + last owners + lore)
  • person (race, class, level, deaths, kills, wanted, EQ worn)
  • clues on standard demons
a hound of Abuha 222 standard hunts/tracks
a Chaigian doppleganger 223 standard attacks target after certain hp threshhold
a swarm of Khudh'itzu flies 224 / (260) standard aggro mob (no control)
a winged Vershak 231 standard combat
a chain-draped Nvae'gra 232 standard combat - lashes for mplag 2 on fight_prog 15 (also summoned by Barkja in a failed Barkja summoning)
a Khil'Mestahn 233 standard combat - rescues (35% per round)
the spawn of Atthagth 234 standard combat - impale attack (-3 str) every other trigger of a fight_prog 30 (there is a save vs. lvl50 pierce)
a servitor of Isetaton 235 standard combat - disarm or offhand disarm on fight_prog 30
a tenebral horror 236 standard combat - applies 'tenebral wounds' affect that lowers hp 1-40 for 3 hours, on fight_prog 30
a succubus 237 standard drains 50-150 hp and gives to caster (toggles from drain to give on fight_prog 27)
a guardian wraith 238 standard (unimplemented?)
a giant ghal'koth worm 241 greater portal to target
Agduk 242 greater combat:
  • Tracking/gating demon - independent/unbound-- must be given item previously owned by target. Vanishes if target dies.
  • 20% chance of stopping flee and giving mplag 1 instead.
  • Attacks tracked target - equal chance of slice, impale, mplag 2, or 50-100 damage (fight_prog 20)
Barkja, the Infernal Sage 243 greater three types of info:
  • items (id + last owners + lore + number currently in game)
  • people (as Acolyte of Barkjka + breakdown of align kills)
  • greater demon clues
the Gamalean Sapling 244 greater area deathwalk affect
  • occasionally fruits (the fruit is poison, but does not do anything)
Pricina 246 greater applies "kiss of the succubus" (prevents the victim from attacking the summoner) to a specified target
Vaeshir 247 greater can request one of various things:
  • Immortality (mocks and -1 con),
  • Knowledge -- first time, gain spell 'to see beyond the veil' (sees astral projection, voidwalkers, invis); then gains spell 'to reach beyond the veil' (summons one's demons to oneself); then gate skill set to 100% and -3 to wis; thereafter plague of madness.
  • Strength -- applies 'strength of the void' -- str & maxstr +5 (!?)
  • Wealth -- loads hostile taskmaster mob_7746 with 50 plat and nice whip [7726]
  • Aid -- summons and demonbinds Chagrob, super-resistant mob
  • Health -- restores hp, (add an affect: +100 hitroll and blind?) for 50 hours
  • Prescience -- 50% of getting foresight for 24 hours, or 'dark future'--fails the next 10 saves
a Chaigidonian warrior 251 greater combat - av28 sword, 4th attack, dirt kick, flank, feint
a Logorin taskmaster 252 greater Allows you to bind additional demons
  • combat - vs evil (80 res negative)
a syndic of Khamurn 253 greater combat - 100% rescue skill, rescues tanking master on fight_prog 100, phalanx & shieldblock
an unclean spirit 254 greater possess a victim who fails save vs. mental (summoner can issue commands, handled by verb_progs on fobs [22707-8])
Isetaton 255 greater combat - entangle aff & makes wimpy tentacles [261]
a handmaiden of Tzakmeqiel 256 greater combat - maledictions (curse, pestilence, weaken, pox, enfeeblement)
a chez'lnith 257 greater combat - lags with webbing, pulls random victim (not in group, not fighting) to an adjacent room and attacks victim there.
an alien polytope 258 greater applies vertigo and confusion on fight_prog 40


maze of Isetaton 203 [ 3369] The Chamber of the Maze, Xiganath
blasphemous sigil of Nyogthua 204 [ 3324] The Arcanum, Xiganath
spiral of Bahhaoth 205 [23041] The Cabin of a Strange Vessel, Rahh-Nefor
logorin Star 206 [17097] The Hall of Trophies, Kor Thrandir
angles of Selb-Kar 207 [ 3697] An Unsettling Laboratory (a tome bound in ancient black leather [3697])
seal of the dragon 208 (unimplemented?)
the Eye of Xthjich 209 [ 8470] The Cell of Xthjich, Titans
mark of the Damned 210 [ 8646] The Glacial Prison
tetragon of the Dead 211 [ 8297] The Defiled Chapel, Gogoth
the Vakalic Sign 212 [ 3623] Thijjardu's Residence, Var Bandor (a crystal cube [243])

Shaviiran(VB GM) gives a scroll to deliver to Thijjardu. Thijjardu gives a quest to recover a femur from an undead child (Gogoth City) in return for the cube.

the Lost Cipher of Pnakur 213 [3020-3030] The Plains of Shargob (obeliskloaderbot [3013], obelisk [3023])
Vkoren Configuration 214 [ 7787] A Hexagonal Chamber in the Library, Temple of Yithoul
sigil of Logor 215 [12247] The Tabernacle of a Thousand Demons, Shunned
scar of Gagaroth 216 [15297] A Cluttered Cave, Morn
tear of Pricina 217 [ 7415] Beneath the High Dome, Earendam
mad etchings of Kyalee 218 [10526] Oubliette, Ryarl
cracks of Xixzyr 219 [ 3141] Deeper in the Crevasse, Shargob
crest of Chaigidon 220 [13799] A Crude Stone Chamber, Sythtys
the Aklaju hieroglyph 221 [ 7422] The Chamber of the Hieroglyph, Earendam (quest from Calirin)
crest of Khamurn 222 [ 7783] The Lair of the Lkura'Ij, Temple of Yithoul


a bit of fine silver dust 85 [7169] Calirin's Chamber, Earendam

[3670] the Chamber of Void, VB

some powdered bone 83 [7169] Calirin's Chamber, Earendam

[3670] the Chamber of Void, VB

a stick of charcoal 84 [7169] Calirin's Chamber

Earendam; [3670] the Chamber of Void, VB

a vial of blood from X 232

(empty 239)

[7169] Calirin's Chamber, Earendam

[3670] the Chamber of Void, VB (exsanguinate, bleed)

some bones from the corpse of X 233 (debone)
a glob of mud 234 [7318] Thynseus' Apothecary, Earendam
paste made from black yarrow 235 [7409] Elisheba's Chamber, Earendam

[15299] A Damp Tunnel Through the Earth, Morn

a small length of bitterthorn vine 236 [7318] Thynseus' Apothecary, Earendam
a pinch of powdered Uzith-Hazhi dust 237 [5278] A Large Side Cavern, Basalt Catacombs
a pinch of salt 238 [7169] Calirin's Chamber, Earendam

[3670] the Chamber of Void, VB

Lesser Demon Summoning

an imp sage 201 The Aklaju Heiroglyph charcoal 1-10 gold (random) the Vakalic Tome [242]given by Shaviiran (VB guildmaster) after PC assists Thijjardu with the femur quest
a green Vakalic imp 202 The Vakalic Sign charcoal wearable feet slot item the Vakalic Tome [242] given by Shaviiran (VB guildmaster) after PC assists Thijjardu with the femur quest
a filchling 203 The Vakalic Sign silver dust jewelry item with cost >= 1 gold the Vakalic Tome [242] given by Shaviiran (VB guildmaster) after PC assists Thijjardu with the femur quest
a poisonous N'jith 204 The Mad Etchings of Kyalee glob of mud a trophied finger > lvl 10 an imp sage
a clawed Orzub 210 The Aklaju Heiroglyph bone dust trophied entrals > lvl 10 an imp sage
a Djazith 211 The Mad Etchings of Kyalee silver dust a trophied tongue > lvl 10 an imp sage

an unfinished letter [23134], held by the shuddeni trader in Rahh Nefor

a gelatinous Kurlaac 212 Spiral of Bahhaoth glob of mud potion item > lvl 10 The Log of the Ilal [23129] in The Cabin of a Strange Vessel, Rahh-Nefor
a spined Qwablith 213 Logorin Star bone dust item of type weapon > lvl 10 an imp sage

a circular tablet of ancient stone, [2727] from Mining Leader in chaja caves

a heavy black gharku 214 The Aklaju Heiroglyph animal blood item of material iron, > lvl 10 an imp sage
a Kakrisc worm 215 Tear of Pricina caster's blood a trophied head > lvl 10 an imp sage

the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple

a devouring spirit 216 Maze of Isetaton alatharya blood trophied entrals > lvl 10 an imp sage

the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple Several_bound_folios [3682], from VB guild shelf

an ethereal j'nakra 217 Lost Cipher of Pnakur black yarrow paste a permanently invis item > lvl 10 an imp sage

Standard Demon Summoning

a many-eyed acolyte of Barkja 221 Vkoren Configuration caster's blood wand, staff, or scroll > lvl25 the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple
a hound of Abuha 222 Scar of Gagaroth silver dust trophied entrails > lvl25 A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja
a Chaigian doppleganger 223 Lost Cipher of Pnakur caster's blood trophied eye > lvl25 the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple

A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja

a swarm of Khudh'itzu flies 224 (260) Cracks of Xixzyr animal blood (none) A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja
a winged Vershak 231 Angles of Selb-Kar bone dust trophied skull > lvl 25 A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja
a chain-draped Nvae'gra 232 Sigil of Logor silver dust limited item of material iron > lvl 25 A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja
a Khil'Mestahn 233 Cracks of Xixzyr charcoal torso worn item > lvl 30 A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja
the spawn of Atthagth 234 Logorin Star bitterthorn vine trophied tooth > lvl 30 a circular tablet of ancient stone, [2727] from Mining Leader in chaja caves

A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja

a servitor of Isetaton 235 Maze of Isetaton salt trophied hand > lvl 30 A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja
a tenebral horror 236 Sigil of Logor undead bones vial of blood from an animal > lvl 30 Several_bound_folios [3682], from VB guild shelf

A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja

a succubus 237 Tear of Pricina celestial blood 200 hp (taken via mpgrant, and caster mpslayed if hp =< 200) the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple

A many-eyed acolyte of Barkja

a guardian wraith 238 Seal of the Dragon charcoal a trophied hand > level 30 (unimplemented?)

Greater Demon Summoning

a giant ghal'koth worm 241 Cracks of Xixzy bitterthorn vine trophied heart from celestial creature > lvl 40 The Great Ghal'koth Worm - Monograph [7658] in a Hidden Chamber, Yithoul [7697]


Agduk 242 Eye of Xthjich celestial blood limited sword item > lvl 40 the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple


Barkja, the Infernal Sage 243 Vkoren Configuration alatharya blood answering a riddle the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple
the Gamalean Sapling 244 Tetragon of the Dead salt trophied PC heart > lvl 40 Book in King Gogoth's Study, [8254]


Pricina 246 Tear of Pricina black yarrow paste trophied PC heart > lvl 40 Elisheba's Letter - a page of fine, white paper [748] in Elisheba's Chamber, Earendam [7409]


Vaeshir 247 Sigil of Logor Uzith-Hazhi dust Stone of Power Barkja
a Chaigidonian warrior 251 Crest of Chaigidon alatharya blood weapon >= lvl 40 the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple


a Logorin taskmaster 252 Sigil of Logor celestial blood limited whip or flail > lvl40 the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple
a syndic of Khamurn 253 Crest of Khamurn silver dust 40-75 gold Barkja
an unclean spirit 254 Blasphemous Symbol of Nygothua ch'taren blood trophied brains > lvl 40 the Grimoire Sanguine [7737], from a shuddeni high wizard at Altar of Power in the Yithoul Temple

Several_bound_folios [3682], from VB guild shelf Barkja

Isetaton 255 Maze of Isetaton Uzith-Hazhi dust trophied brains > lvl 40 Barkja
a handmaiden of Tzakmeqiel 256 Tetragon of the Dead bone dust summon in room with a corpse >lvl40 Book in King Gogoth's Study, [8254]
a chez'lnith 257 Mad Etchings of Kyalee undead bones trophied entrails > lvl40 Barkja
an alien polytope 258 Angles of Selb-Kar salt a gem worth at least 10 platinum CLUE?